Fresh coffee with old friends is my mantra
I am 6’ 3”, tall enough to stand out from the crowd, but not enough to have my head in the clouds
Wherever I travel in the world, I have my camera
With music I am a sonic explorer. I have discovered oases in deserts and space in jungles
Fine English shoes crafted in Northamptonshire bring a refined touch to my style.
In Brussels, my shoes first caught my wife's eye, but it was her radiant smile that stole my heart.
I collect beautiful words, like beddá, to sprinkle some Sicilian charm into conversation.
Photography feeds my creative spirit, paints a window to the world. My photos, a legacy for generations to come.
Live fully in each moment, love the memories they create.
Books fills my shelves and imagination.
Scarves adds a splash of colour to my look.
The countryside is where I lay my hat, but madness of London charges my energies.
Walking my dog through the meadows and country lanes is my daily ritual.
Earl Grey tea in hearty mugs warms my hands and spirit.
Weathered doors draw my eye, each having a story to tell.
Onions bring tears to my eyes, as do taxes.
Laughter and joy with loved ones, that is true pleasure